
Publicity related to the history of cycling

We support publicity related to the history of the bicycle in a great many ways.

As members of the oldest cycling club in the Czech Republic, ČKV 1880, we organize and participate in a farewell session on Prague's Letenská plain under the name - Prague MILE.

Míle and ČKV 1880

We organize or cooperate in organization of exhibitions of bicycles, meetings of collectors and professional workshops. We regularly participate in meetings of IVCA (International Veteran Cycle Association) ICHC (International Cycling History Conference)


The collecting of bicycles in the Czech Republic reached a high point with the opening of the specialized private museum in Nové Hrady.(for more info part MUSEUMS)


We organize and participate in outings and rides on historical bicycles in Bohemia and abroad. A calendar of events can be found at


We cooperate with the Kohout theatre company, which consists primarily of members of the Czech Club of Velocipedists 1880 and which has already prepared and presented two period theatre plays that promote the history of bicycles in a distinctive manner.



Historical bicycle rental service

We rent out historical bicycles according to the specific requirements of customers. They are used extensively for films, celebrations of historical events, company presentations, production of advertising, private events, weddings, parties or unusual celebrations.

The bicycles may be fully functional for demonstration rides or prepared only for decorative purposes. We can supplement the rental of bicycles with period artifacts, figurines or advertising objects.

References: You may already be well acquainted with our bicycles, which appeared in the films Bylo nás pět, Václav, Vratné lahve, Protektor, Poste restante, Operace Dunaj, Habermannův mlýn, V peřinách and a great many others.

Contact: Ing. Jiří Uhlíř – 00 420 724 286 226,

At the present time, approx. 300 types of historical bicycles are available. We are capable of providing a large number of identical or similar bicycles dating from 1820 to 1950.  Ask for a CD with our complete range of rental bicycles. The photo gallery gives a brief survey of the types and designs.

Historical bicycle rental service

Renovation of bicycles

We also renovate bicycles

You can order only partial repairs or complete renovation. The negotiations for renovation or repair of a bicycle must be based on provision of photographic documentation of the machine that is to be renovated. Its technical condition, completeness and state of disrepair, damage or destruction always provide substantial information for initial considerations of the time required and the price of the work.

Robert Šterba & Co. Bicycles: ,,

Specialization: bicycles produced between 1866 and 1890, sports bicycles 1930 – 1970; we prefer work entailing conservation, cleaning, original components and authenticity

References: Renovations from our workshop were used for the National Technical Museum in Prague and for the private collections of collectors around the world.

Photo gallery: Comparison of a machine before and after renovation. Example of renovation of a French Levocyclette machine, manufactured in 1910, with preference for authenticity with preservation of all the original components, including the tires. The machine was first completely dismantled, all the components were compared with the original documents, the gear system was repaired (mechanical damage prevented its functioning), all the components were carefully cleaned, brushed and polished and then treated with anti-corrosion solution and conserved with a special mixture of wax and other additives.

The price of this renovation was approximately CZK 25,000.

Renovation of bicycles

Jaroslav Vožniak: historian and restorer

00 420 724 980 380,

Specialization: all types of bicycles, touring bicycles from Czech manufacturers from 1900 – 1940; Jaroslav Vožniak cooperates with professionals in a great many other trades

References: Jaroslav Vožniak won a competition for renovation of approx. 20 bicycles for the new exposition in the National Technical Museum. You will be able to view his work in detail in the newly opened building in 2011.

Photo gallery: Original Kangaroo from the British Hillman, Herbert and Cooper company following overall renovation in 2009 for the exposiiton in the National Technical Museum in Prague.

Jaroslav Vožniak

Jano Rečo: photographer and restorer

00 420 723 498 014,

Specialization: Velocipedes and wooden bicycles 1866 - 1870, work with wood in general

References: photographer and former employee of NTM – collection of bicycles; more than 100 very rare machines, most of them for the most prestigious private collections in the world, passed through his workshop and his hands.

Photo gallery: Two completely different machines prior to and after renovation. The preference for authenticity and the original condition are apparent from the photographs.

Jano Rečo

Měsíček and sons: , tel:00 420 604 255 212

Specialization: high-wheel bicycles and production of replicas of machines, production of copies of spare parts, nickel and chrome plating

References: Products from his workshop have been purchased by customers from around the world.

Photo gallery: The photographs show a machine before and after complicated renovation according to the wishes of the customer.

Měsíček and sons

Ing.Martin Cvrček:    tel.: 00 420 737 782 610

Specialization: high-wheel bicycles, production of replicas of high-wheel bicycles, wheel rims and all spare parts for high-wheel bicycles

References: Martin Cvrček is an expert in the area of metal-working technology and joining; a great many of his products have been purchased by customers around the world, especially in the U.S.A.

Photo gallery:  Typical product made by Martin Cvrček – an absolutely authentic copy of an English Rudge high-wheel bicycle made using the most modern technology and high quality materials. The bicycle is intended for riding and full loading.

Ing. Martin Cvrček

Painting the frames of historical bicycles

Robert Štěrba & Co., which is the only paint shop specializing in painting bicycle frames in the Czech Republic, was opened soon after 1989. We apply any type of coating to all types of frames, including removal of the old paint.

For example, when painting the frames of historical bicycles manufactured, e.g. 100 years ago, we use special sealants that suitably supplement the corroded material. These paints (mostly black in colour) can be given a patina to achieve various degrees of the appearance of deterioration or age. This method is especially useful for machines where the other components exhibit certain indications of deterioration.

We are capable of mixing and preparing any shade of transparent or metallic colours for painting newer, especially sports bicycles. We also manufacture copies of labels that are applied under or over the final coat of paint, as required


Robert Šterba & Co. - Bicycles: ,

Specialization: all types of bicycle frames

References: 3 years of experience at the Swiss Molk Stans company, specializing in the production of frames and painting, 20 years of experience in the Czech Republic

Photo gallery: Examples of the procedure in painting a frame, including the final patina. The price of this frame and fork painting, including removal of the old paint, sand blasting, application of sealant, repeated spraying with sealant and sanding and application of patina was CZK 7,600.

Painting the frames of historical bicycles

Hand-made production

The production of bicycle frames and special racing bicycles has a great tradition in the Štěrba company.

Robert Štěrba began to practice the bicycle frame craft in Switzerland in a specialized workshop. At the beginning of the 1990’s, when “steel” frames constructed by classical manual technology experiences their apex, our company led by Robert Štěrba was one of the foremost manufacturers in this country. We constructed bicycles or frames for a number of foremost Czech teams and professional riders. Our machines frequently appeared at the starting lines of world championships and other important races. Many riders won medals on our frames. We cooperated in the production of racing specials for the Author MTB team and, later, for the Author cyclocross team. Experience gained in bicycle geometry was later exploited in the production of an entire brand-name bicycle. Over time, steel was replaced by duralumin and carbon. At the present time, this craft is again coming to the forefront of interest and is frequently sought out by all types of riders for various disciplines.

Robert Štěrba workshops

Twenty years of experience at the forefront of the Czech market is now being employed in the construction of modern contemporary frames. Primarily specialists or riders with extremely large or small figures or requirements are interested in custom-made frames these days. Customers requiring structures or designs in retro styles are also becoming an important factor.

Štěrba Columbus SP - Team Serie

Specimen construction of a classical steel frame combined with chromium. The color can be changed according to the customer’s requirements. The price of the complete assembly with the fork made of Columbus SP material is CZK 9,900.

Specimen construction of a classical steel frame combined with chromium

Štěrba Racing Frame “Custom made-to-size”

The frame was constructed of Italian Columbus Genius Oversize diameter tubes (31.7 mm and 26.8 mm). Small details were chromium plated at the request of the customer.

Štěrba racing frame “custom made-to-size”

Štěrba SLX Road Racing Special

The bicycle was custom made from Columbus SLX material using classical tube diameters, i.e. 26.8 mm and 25.4 mm (English dimensions).The frame joins are made by pressure casting in wax moulds (microfusion technology). The same technology was used for the extended nuts for attaching the wheels – i.e. the best known technology.

Štěrba SLX road racing special

Štěrba Reynolds 853 Road Racing Special

Custom construction from traditional materia Reynolds 853 from England.

Štěrba Reynolds 853

Individual Custom Construction – Štěrba “Team series”

The frame was constructed of Columbus Brian material.The design was based on the suggestions of the customer and the colour was also mixed specially for this product.

Individual custom construction – Štěrba “Team series”

Custom Construction – Štěrba

The frame was constructed with emphasis on decorative details that differentiate the bicycle at first glance from normal standard production, while retaining low weight and top-quality frame properties.

Custom construction – Štěrba

Custom-made Sculptures by model of Mr.Kiňtera

Example of custom-made work for one of the foremost Czech avante garde artists Krištof Kintěr, called the “Fatal Egoist”.

Example of custom-made work for one of the foremost Czech avante garde artists Krištof Kintěr

Fixed Gear – the Corporate Production „Pedal Project“ a „Štěrba kola“

A small evidence that collaboration between Pedal Project and Robert Štěrba is still in progress. The series pictures here showing Miloš Ouborný recreating Columbus tubes into the beautiful frame with geometry ideal for urban fixed gear cycling.

The DesignBlok 2011

Fixed gear Pedal Project and Štěrba kola

Štěrba Columbus BRIAN

Šterba Columbus BRIAN matt

Štěrba Columbus ZONA

Štěrba Columbus ZONA

Procedure in Production of the Frame - "Construction of the Frame - BIKE"

Example procedure of production of a steel frame.This is a custom-constructed touring frame of the Randonneur type. This frame, which was constructed in 2011, was inspired by the designs of English and French frames, which began to be successful roughly in the middle of the last century and continue to find their clientele.Emphasis was placed on details, low weight and individual design.

a.     Construction of the Frame - PART 1

Procedure in production of the frame - part 1

b.     Polishing and Chromium Plating - PART 2

Procedure in production of the frame - part 2

c.     Painting and Production of Labels - PART 3

Procedure in production of the frame - part 3

d.     Assembling of the Machine - PART 4

Procedure in production of the frame - part 4

e.     Ready to Ride - PART 5 "FINISH"

ŠTĚRBA Randonneur type

Campagnolo 80th Anniversary Super Record Group - 2013

Campagnolo 80th Anniversary Super Record Group - 2013

Štěrba Road Racing Special – 25th Anniversary 2017

Štěrba Road Racing Special – 25th Anniversary 2017


Technical photographs

 We can provide professional photographic documentation in a photographic studio against a neutral background. These photographs can be used in magazines, books, promotional materials, internet presentations or only by fans who would like to have detailed documentation of their beloved machine. The illustration shows a set of photographs that, in the original form, contain an average of about forty various views, both overall and of interesting details or key areas.

You will receive the photographs with sufficient resolution for further use and dissemination on a CD. You will receive the copyright together with the CD, and thus the right to freely use the photographs for any purpose.

This complete set costs CZK 5000 for one bicycle.


Photo gallery: examples of photographs against a neutral background. All the attention is directed towards the technical object and its details.



Artistic photographs

A set of artistic retro photographs on a cycling subject can serve as a lovely memento, unusual gift, unusual greeting card or original interior decoration.

On the basis of an agreement, bicycles and other period artifacts can be rented for the photographs.

The photograph can be coloured like an old photograph, manually coloured or otherwise modified, either in pass partout or in a frame. These are very personal and individual projects and consequently an individual approach is provided.

The illustration shows several similar works that can be purchased in various sizes as original author’s photographs.

Contact: This service was temporarily occupied

Photo gallery: Examples of special-subject photographs and photographs arranged to capture a special mood.

Artistic photographs

Graphical design and printing

We have contributed to the publishing of a great deal of material on historical subjects and especially on the history of bicycles. We have created the graphical design for the publishing of a large number of books about historical automobiles and motorcycles.

We have extensive experience in graphic design, preparation for publication and production of books, magazines and promotional materials.

The most important of these include a book for the American collector of bicycle lamps, Dr. Chris Brooks in 2010.  

Photo gallery: Examples of special works

Graphical design and printing

Contact: Ondřej Huleš, Baranova 31, Praha 3, e-mail: , tel.: 00 420 776 006 449

Consulting - Information

We spend a substantial amount of time on research. We cooperate with a great many professionals and experts in other countries.   In some cases, where our knowledge is sufficient, we can provide consulting or advice.

If you need assistance in determining the period of manufacture of your bicycle, determining its age or are not sure of the manufacturer, you can ask us for advice.

The first precondition for determining whether we will be capable of answering your questions is that you send good photographic documents.

Classification of questions according to the age of the bicycle:

1.      Bicycles 1867 - 1890

Wooden bicycles, high-wheel bicycles and low-wheel bicycles on hard tires, early pneumatic machines around 1900, American bicycles to 1900.

Contact: Robert Štěrba, ,

Typical question and evaluation of a bicycle – here


2.      Bicycles 1900 - 1950

Specializing in Austria-Hungary, Czech and German brands 1910 – 1950

Contact: Ing. Jiří Uhlíř,

3.      All types of bicycles to 1970

The broad membership base of the Club of Czech Velocipedists provides great potential for obtaining information and a wide range of interests.
