Exhibition of a private collection - Podolí, Czech Republic +++++

Milan Pavlík organized an exhibition of a private collection of historic bicycles and handmade wooden bicycles in the cultural house in Podolí (Moravia) on April 6-7, 2024. The exhibition was designed to attract not only bicycle connoisseurs, but also laypeople, children, men and women.

Address:  Kulturní dům, Podolí - Kunovice, Czech republic

347/A - Expo 2024, Podolí - Kunovice

Mr. Pavlík's handmade wooden wheels:

The collection of wooden wheels is Mr. Pavlík's handiwork. Bikes are not for sale. They are intended for his personal use and enjoyment. This creates a completely unique collection of wooden handmade wheels. such a collection has no parallels in the world.

Daněk alias Fallow Deer

347/B - Wood bike Fallow Deer

Jelen alias Deer

347/C - Wood bike Deer

Kamzík alias Chamois

347/D - Dřevěné kolo Chamois

Kladivoun alias Hammersmith

347/E - Wood bike Hammersmith

Antilopa alias Antelope

347/F - Wood bike Antelope

Divočák alias Wild Boar

347/G - Wood bike Wild Boar

Srnec alias Deer

347/H - Wood bike Deer

Muflon alias Moufflon

347/I - Wood bike Moufflon

So what's next?