VELORAMA - The Dutch National Cycle Museum, Nijmegen – Netherlands 

This is the best known, most extensive and most interesting bicycle museum in the world.
All photos were taken from 2003 to 2018. We are very happy that had oportunity to visit museum minimum ones every year. Bicycles were changed on display always. Many new bicycles were there, many in proces of restoring, maybe some have been relocated, because were moved to an occasional exhibition or were sold or changed. If you will visit whenever you like I can to give a promis you to find there a big experiences with bicycles and new knowledge of bicycle hstory.
9/A. Nationaal Fietsmuseum VELORAMA, Nijmegen – Netherlands
The running machine became known under various names: Draisine in Germany, velocipede (fast feet) or Draisienne in France, hobby horse or dandy horse in England. This two-wheeled rider-propelled machine was invented by Baron Karl von Drais de Sauerbrun of Germany in 1817. The first English patent for an improvement on the world's first bicycle was taken by Mr. Denis Johnson one year latter. Many different examples are on display there.
9/B. VELORAMA - draisienes, Nijmegen – Netherlands
A very special part of bicycle history are early tricycles, quadricycles, tandem tricycles, pedamotive carriages and others machines usually built combining wood and steel. Many of them are from early time period before velocipede with cranks and pedals was known and some are from velocipede era. Sometimes is very difficult to say years when machine was built or who made it.
9/C. VELORAMA - early machines, Nijmegen – Netherlands
Velocipedes or boneshakers could be made in small workshops or by local blacksmiths and in the same time by a big factories which had many experience of production carriages, sewing machines or guns. First velocipede – two wheels machine powered by cranks and pedals was made circa 1863 in France, but researche is still not closed. The velocipede era was from 1865/67 to 1870. The display in museum showing many variation of production around the world.
9/D. VELORAMA - velocipedes, Nijmegen – Netherlands
High wheel, Penny Farthing or Ordinary (England), Hoch Rad (Germany) and Grand Bi (France) is always a boast and a symbol for a bicycle museum. First high wheel was made by Mr. Eugen Meyer in France early 1870. This invention was very quickly moved to England and the USA. We can study many examples in Velorama museum.
9/E. VELORAMA - high wheels, Nijmegen – Netherlands
Early safeties especially hard tire safeties are one of the best time period in bicycle history. Many companies made many construction solution, many suspension construction, many sorts of frame, forks, brakes....
9/F. VELORAMA - hard tire safeties, Nijmegen – Netherlands
Dicycles, tricycles and quadricycles
9/G. VELORAMA - tricycles and quadricycles, Nijmegen – Netherlands
Others bicycles, prototypes, wooden bicycles...
9/H. VELORAMA - others bicycles, Nijmegen – Netherlands
A very special ocasion - to see inside to the depository of Nacional museum VELORAMA. Really the incredible collection.
9/J. VELORAMA - the depository, Nijmegen – Netherlands
Next depository - for High wheel only!!!!l
Every day a new bike is refurbished, repaired, cleaned, adjusted ...., every day someone is conducting research, treasures are saved every day. The museum renovates bicycles for other collectors and museums in its workshops.
9/L. VELORAMA - workskops, Nijmegen – Netherlands
When I said that there is a progres every day, now when you can see photos from early years of museum, you have to comfirm my words. There is a BIG, BIG, BIG progres every day!!!!
Our last visit 2021. Many new bikes, new details and new photos.