Deutsches Zweirad - Neckarsulm, Germany 

The Deutsche Zweirad- und NSU-Museum has a collection of historic motorcycles and bicycles in a five-story split-level building dating to 13th Century.
55/A - Deutsches Zweirad museum 2015
A few new fotodetails were taken by our last visit 2022:
55/B - Deutsches Zweirad museum 2022
Small overview from the museum exhibition which was rebuilt during spring 2012. Some bicycles from this exhibition are in museum deposit.
55/C - Deutsches Zweirad museum
Motorcycles collection
The collection representing 50 manufacturers are displayed, including a reproduction of the 1885 Daimler Einspur, the first gasoline, internal composition motorcycle, and an 1894 Hildebrand & Wolfmüller, the first production motorcycle.
55/E - Deutsches Zweirad museum 2015
55/D - Deutsches Zweirad museum 2022