Exhibit „An Unspoken History“, Elgin County Heritage Centre - Canada 

Selections from the Rick Wolfe Collection
February 20, 2023 to August 2023
Longtime collector and enthusiast Rick Wolfe currently has one of the most impressive collections of early bicycles and motorcycles on public display at Elgin County Heritage Centre in St Thomas Ontario. Expect to see some very cool engineering and many Canadian built bicycles from the 1800s and early 1900. Some of these are the only known examples in existence.
Velocipedes, high wheels and safeties from the earliest years of the cycling craze in the 1860s right through to the 1920s. Includes the only known example of the Lamson, one of the world’s earliest motorcycles. Also featuring trophies, medals, period posters, advertising novelties, and many accessories including oil lamps, horns, and costumes. Tools and equipment from the period can be found in a recreated “repair shop.”
Address: 460 Sunset Dr, St Thomas, Ontario N5R 5X7, Canada
Contact: https://www.elgincounty.ca/museum/
Expo: Ghisallo in Giallo - Museo del Ciclismo, Italy 

The Madonna del Ghisallo Cycling Museum Foundation in Magreglio opened “Ghisallo in Giallo,” an exhibition-expo-from the grand boucle that cuts the ribbon in summer 2024 with Jan Ullrich and many other fans and lenders in attendance.
The history of the Tour lived again in the House of Cyclists, thanks to the contributions of many fans and institutions. The exhibition draws on many important museums, lenders, and cycle-collections such as: Pirelli Foundation, Ottavio Bottecchia Museum, Gino Bartali Cycling Museum (Florence), Tino Sana Carpenter’s Museum , Spazio Pantani (Cesenatico), Koers Museum (Roselaire-Belgium), Marc-André Elsig’s Musée du Vélo (Chippis-Switzerland) and Ciclocollection – Gigi Farè’s Bicycle Museum (Riva del Garda). And it is embellished with special memorabilia thanks to the historical and cultural sensitivity of private collectors such as Natale Bolgè, Bruno Carraro, Giorgio Cimurri, Enzo Manfrè, Graziano Pellizzoni, and Famiglia Pietra – Freni Universal.
Address: Via Gino Bartali, 4 - 22030 Magreglio (CO), Itálie
Contact: https://www.museodelghisallo.it/en/
Full report from Ghisallo museum: https://www.sterba-bike.cz/item/museo-del-cyclismo-ghisallo-magreglio-italie-2461?lang=EN
Canada Science and Technology Museum - Ottawa, Canada 

The National Museum of Science and Technology was established in 1967 and moved to new venue in November 2017. Many very interesting velocipedes and bicycles are there.
Contact: https://ingeniumcanada.org/scitech
Address: 1867 St Laurent Blvd, Ottawa ONK1G 5A3, Kanada
Huron Bicycle Museum - Kincardine, Ontario, Canada
With over 50 bicycles and tricycles, the Huron Bicycle Museum displays the evolution of the bicycle from 1817 to 1980 in 7 stages during which the technologies developed and adapted for cycles became ever more complex.
This Museum has Canada's most comprehensive cycle collection.
A Museum of cycling Technology was opened on Saturday, 3 August, 2019 in Kincardine, Ontario. If anyone would like to visit the museum, please contact Geography Professor Emeritus Glen Norcliffe (https://buff.ly/2M4lYCi)
Contact: https://www.huronbicyclemuseum.com
Address: Kincardine, Ontario, Canada