Musée d'Art et d'Histoire (Geneva) – Switzerland 

A secret place in Geneva/Switzerland viseted by the Swiss highwheel specialists Jürg Zaugg and Anders Thorell early January 2019. These highwheels and boneshakers have been sitting there untouched since the late 1930s. Exciting discovery !
Many thanks to the curator of the "Musée d'Art et d'Histoire" of Geneva who was able to open the Museum's reserves. A new highly secured facility has just been constructed where all the Geneva public museums will centralise their reserves.The bikes are therefore now stored in a less romantic place than what you saw on the previous post but with a better climate control.The museum has a total of seven vintage bikes, none of which have ever been shown to the public since they were donated to the museum between 1934 and 1949. The museum's intention is to start showing one or two from next year on.
Photos were taken by Anders Thorell 2019